In the renowned city of Venice, famous for its dazzling carnivals and unique masks, the idea for the “Red Masked” perfume was born. This fragrance draws inspiration from the mysterious atmosphere of the carnival, where luxury and elegance permeate every corner of the city.
On a magical carnival night, red masks glimmered under the lantern lights, roaming the narrow streets filled with colors and fragrant aromas. These masks symbolized mystery and allure, with each person behind them holding a unique story and irresistible charm.
“Red Masked” embodies this spirit in every bottle. The top notes blend bergamot and pink pepper, reflecting the vibrancy and excitement of the evening’s beginning. The heart of the fragrance features notes of artemisia, guaiac wood, and jasmine, adding a touch of romance and mysterious allure. The base includes woods, balsam, amber, musk, and vanilla, leaving a warm, lasting impression that speaks of the depth and elegance hidden behind the red masks.
“Red Masked” is not just a fragrance; it is an experience that transports you to a world full of mystery and allure, where you can be whoever you want and live each moment with its magic and elegance.
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